That’s 25 Lubricants sold for a total of 975,000 units/credits. With each plant producing 20-25 Mordite, I am getting almost 1,000 Mordite every six minutes. But even 40 plants is hard to keep up with give how frequently the Mordite spawns. I have 40 plants, but I could probably double or triple that if I was going for pure farming efficiency over styling my base to look cool (you run into a max item limit on bases). So, you plant as much Mordite-producing Carrion Root as you can. “Acid” is another item that costs only 40 Temerium, a mineral you can farm that only grows on toxic planets, and it sells for 39,000 as well, but a Mordite farm is much easier to get up and running, and the six minute respawn time for the plants is the fastest I’ve seen in the game.Ĥ. You can farm Sac Venom and Gravino Balls which are meant to be sold at market, but you will get far, far less from doing so. Almost nothing else in the game even comes close to this level of profit. It's not what it looks like (Photo: Paul Tassi/Hello Games)ģ. In case you want to skip the math, that’s ~560 units worth of Mordite that transforms into 39,000 units with the single press of a button. Lubricant sells on the open market for 39,000 units. However, one of the last blueprints you unlock in the base-building questlines is for “Lubricant” (hold your jokes) which is only used to make a couple of things in the game like landing pads and some other tech. It only sells for 13.8 units each, which is garbage compared to the 300+ of Gold and Emeril. Fortunately, for those inclined not to massacre alien fauna, you can also grow it in “Carrion Root” a plantable flower you will unlock relatively early once you start the farming quest tree.Ģ. The mineral is called “Mordite” and it’s found from animal corpses when you kill them with either your mining laser or blaster.

In short, you grow a material via farming, you harvest it, you convert it into a construction item that sells for a high price, and you can make millions upon millions per hour. It’s a pretty simple process, though it may take you a while to get to the point where the system is at its maximum efficiency.